Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MATLAB Quick Reference and Function/Class Templates



% NOTE: Matlab uses indexing that starts at 1, not 0

a';     % Transpose vector/matrix 'a'
a(1);       % Return first element of vector 'a'
a(1,:);     % Return first row of matrix 'a' (all columns)
a(:,1);     % Return first column of matrix 'a' (all rows)
a(i:j:end); % Extract every jth value starting at i until the last value
% Note: 'end' keyword can be used to refer to last index without using size() method
a(1:5, 10:20)   % Return matrix rows 1 through 5 and columns 10 through 20 of 'a'

[r,c]=size(a);  % Find number of rows & columns in matrix 'a'
length(a);      % Length of vector 'a'
size(a,d);      % Find length of 'd'th dimension, e.g. 1=rows,2=columns,3=z
find(a > 1);    % Returns list of indexes in 'a' whose value is >1. Can use any logical e.g. a=1
[r,c]=find(a);  % Returns list of all indexes with nonzero values, in this case row/col index pairs from a 2-D matrix

zeros(r,c); % Creates a r-rows by c-columns matrix of zeros
ones(r,c);  % Creates a r-rows by c-columns matrix of ones
rand(r,c);  % Creates a r-rows by c-columns matrix of pseudo-random numbers from the 0-1 scale (uniform dist)

% Spans %

linspace(a,b,n);    % Creates a row vector that spans 'a' to 'b' in 'n' number of linearly spaced segments
logspace(a,b,n);    % Creates a row vector that spans 10^a to 10^b in 'n' points
x=a:n:b;            % Creates a row vector from 'a' to 'b' spaced by value 'n'
repmat(A,r,c);      % Tile matrix A 'r' times in the rows direction, 'c' times in the cols direction
flip(A,<dim>);      % Flip order of a vector/matrix, optionally along a specified dimension
horzcat(A,B);       % Horizontally concatenate vectors/matricies A, B, C, D, etc.
vertcat(A,B);       % Vertically concatenante vectors/matricies A,B,C,D, etc.


close all% Close all open figures
figure;     % Create new figure
figure(1);  % Select given figure and make it active, or create one with given handle
subplot(numRows,numCols,selectActivePlotNum); % Create framework for multiple plots within one figure and/or select one

plot(x,y,<LineSpec>);   % X values, corresponding Y values, LineSpec optional
% LineSpec is a string composed of concatenating the following specifiers e.g. '--xc'
% Note: LineSpec with Marker but no Style will plot only markers without a line
% Styles: '-'Solid | '--'Dashed | ':'Dotted | '-.'Dash-Dot
% Markers: 'o' '+' '*' '.' 'x'  's'square 'd'diamond '^'triangle 'v'triangle & others...
% Colors: 'y'yellow | 'm'magenta | 'c'cyan | 'r'red | 'g'green | 'b'blue | 'w'white | 'k'black

stem(x,y);  % Plot discrete sequence data
hist(data,<nbins>); % Plot histogram of 10 equally spaced bins, or bins as specified
histfit(data,<nbins>,<distToFit>);  % Plot histogram with best-fit distribution
normplot(data); % Normal probability plot i.e. normal quantile plot

gcf;    % 'Get Current Figure' Returns handle/reference to active figure
gca;    % 'Get Current Axis' Returns handle/reference to active axis

% Note: for one-time plots it can be easier to format using Show Plot Tools in menubar
% Note: TeX markup can be used in strings
% Note: Formatting/plot commands are applied to the currently active figure
title({'Main Title Here';'\fontsize{8}Smaller Subtitle Here'});
xlabel('X Axis Units');
ylabel('Y Axis Units');
xlim([xmin xmax]);  % Manually set X limits for plot
ylim([ymin ymax]);  % Manually set Y limits for plot

saveas(gcf,'figure.png');   % Save figure as image

% Loops and Logical Control %

for i=1:n:10    % for(i=1;i<=10;i+=n)
    % Do Things

if <logical statement>
    % Do Things
elseif <logical statement>
    % Do Things
    % Do Things

% Curve Fitting & Regression %

fitobject = fit(x,y,fitType);   % REFER TO MATLAB HELP/DOCUMENTATION for details - Curve Fitting Toolbox
plot(fitobject,x,y,{'fit','residuals','deriv1'}); % Plot fit along with input data, as well as residuals vs. fit and 1st derivative


% Note: Main function names and corresponding filenames should match.
% Note: Any additional functions in an m-file beyond the first/main function
% are 'local functions' with calling scope limited to the main function
function [returnA, returnB] = functionName(inputA, inputB, varargin)
    %functionName(inputA, inputB, <variable number of arguments>)
    %   Detailed explanation here

    n=nargin; % Number of input arguments


classdef exampleClass < handle      % Inheriting from handle is necessary to be able to refer to class instance
    %EXAMPLECLASS Summary of this class goes here
    %   Detailed explanation goes here
        function obj=exampleClass(input)    % Constructor

        function []=methodOne(obj,inputArg)
            % This function would be called by exampleClass.methodOne(inputArg)
            % The first argument is a reference/handle to the class instance       
            % This function does not return a value

            obj.Data=inputArg;  % This type of statement will change the class instance's variable value


% NOTE: any statement without a trailing semi-colon will display the result in the command window

% General suggestions
% • Use the workspace variable explorer when creating complex matrixes to visually validate your code is creating what you expect regarding dimensions etc.
% • Make liberal use of the debugger and the capability to perform commands in the Command Window and see workspace variables DURING debugging to explore what your code is doing

% Keyboard Shortcuts:
% • Ctrl-R comments line(s)
% • Ctrl-T un-comments line(s)
% • Tab to indent line(s) (select multiple if desired)
% • Shift-Tab to de-indent line(s) (select multiple if desired)

clear;      % Delete/destroy workspace variables
clc;        % Clear command window
isempty(A); % Check whether variable A is an empty array

fprintf('String %.1d \n',value);    % Print strings and values to cons



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